Welcome to a new feature called Fashion Flutz, by a friend of mine, the lovely Urja Dave, known for our purposes here as Ms. Fashion 6.0. In Fashion Flutz, Ms. Fashion 6.0 judges skating costumes worn by some of the biggest skating stars today.
Ms. Fashion 6.0, quite the fashionista, is a 2009 Penn State Journalism graduate, who lives in fashion-forward NYC, and runs her own fashion-minded blog, Vogue ala Mode! Serving up fashion with a side of ice cream.
I was inspired to post something about skating costumes after several people sent me links to the blog Go Fug Yourself, which critiqued costumes from U.S. Nationals. It was fun to read the comments, so I thought it would be cool to see what reviews my own fashion-guru friend could come up with, and she kindly obliged. While Ms. Fashion 6.0 is not really an avid skating fan at the moment, she used to be when she was younger, and she does enjoy and appreciate the sport. She had a bit of a Scott Hamilton obsession "back in the day"--and who can blame her?
Hope you enjoy her thoughts. If you have any skating costumes that you'd like her to review, please leave a comment!
Alissa Czisny, 2009 & 2011 U.S. National Champion:
Ms. Fashion 6.0: I used to watch hours upon hours of ice skating when I was little. I thought if I watched enough triple axles, I could magically do them. I was wrong and thus stopped watching. However, the crazy costumes the sport produces never cease to disappoint me. Here, we have Alissa Czisny. Obviously she’s very talented. Girl won two U.S. National championships, but her costumes choice for the freeskate this year is rather…questionable. And, I still remember in other seasons when she decided to follow the trend of putting her tights over her skates. What was she thinking!?!? Were her boots cold?
Now we have this blue watercolor piece. I hope the music she’s skating to is from The Little Mermaid, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, or Life Aquatic. So let’s just go with it. She’s obviously chasseing to TLC’s Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls, which explains the tropical storm on her dress, but what about the asymmetrical cut?
Score: 4.3/6.0
Rachael Flatt, 2010 U.S. National Champion:
Ms. Fashion 6.0: I previously ranted about Alissa Czisny’s tights-over-skates fashion faux pas, but apparently it's the "cool" thing to do these days. Please make it stop! On to Rachael’s outfit. I actually love the color. Yeah, it’s a bit chipper and in-your- face - "Look at me, I’m so happy," but I like it—a lot. What I don’t like and what our friends over at Go Fug Yourself mentioned: the length of her skirt. Rachael, just add three inches and you’d look so long and lean. If I had that physique I’d show it off too, but you are better off ditching the skirt.
Great, after staring at her picture, I’m craving lemonade.
Score: 4.8/6.0
Evan Lysacek, 2009 World Champion & 2010 Olympic Champion:
Ms. Fashion 6.0: First of all, I had no idea Vera Wang designed figure skating costumes. Her empire really is never-ending. I get the purpose of the snakes; the music, Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov, is based on The Book of One Thousand and One Nights, sometimes known as Arabian Nights, however, the snakes seriously creep me out. Who wants snakes crawling all over them?-- even if they are made out of snake-rovski crystals, ha, ha. All I have to say is psst Bronx zoo cobra, the next time you decide to hide out for a week, slither over to Evan’s costume. No will find you there. I promise.
Score: 4.4/6.0
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