I had a really long, hard day today. By 4:00, I was mentally fried, not to mention cold, tired, and hungry. While waiting to meet a friend in the common area of the library, which is connected to the University coffee shop, I heard some music that I thought I recognized. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but its soft, tranquil sound intrigued me, and drew me closer. As I reached the foyer of the coffee shop, I instantly knew that the song was a beautiful, tender piece by Ingrid Michaelson and Sarah Bareilles called "Winter Song." I automatically envisioned Michelle Kwan gliding across the ice in her trademark spiral that embraces us with its freedom and joy. I stood in the foyer, leaned against the wall, smiled, and truly felt at peace for the first time in days. (And could the timing be any more perfect for "Winter Song" and images of skating than on a cold, snowy December day?)
Michelle Kwan skated to this song at last summer's All That Skate (Yu-Na Kim's ice show) in Korea. It was the first time Michelle had performed in years. When I first watched a video of the performance on You Tube, I remember feeling overcome with emotion. The performance, a brilliant combination of lovely vocals, exquisite skating and raw emotions, is something to cherish. This performance shows why there is only one Michelle Kwan. Simply divine!
I am so grateful that I happened to be at the right place at the right time today so that I could hear "Winter Song" playing in the coffee shop, and immediately be transported back to a moment of simplicity and joy. Thank you, Michelle Kwan!
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