
I finally saw the Hollywood version of Les Miserables this past week. What a beautiful film! Not to take anything away from the film, but some of the musical renditions aren't quite as magnificent as some of the ones I've heard from the Broadway version of the musical, notably Alfie Boe's "Bring Him Home" ( though Anne Hathaway's turn as Fantine and her song "I Dreamed a Dream" are phenomenal!) Still, the movie does a fantastic job of bringing the epic story to a whole new generation of viewers. Les Mis is again at the forefront of people's minds, and thank goodness because the story and music and simply first-rate! In honor of the beauty of Les Mis, I'm going to do a series of posts of skating performances done to its music.
Enjoy Michelle Kwan's "On My Own," skated during the 1997/1998 Olympic season as her exhibition number:
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