Following the scandal at the Olympic Games, Jamie and David, newly-crowned North American sweethearts, went on to have a prosperous professional career. They skated in a few of the last professional competitions (which are virtually non-existent today), and toured with Stars on Ice. Jamie and David were married in 2005, and acted as commentators for many skating events. In 2007, they welcomed a son, Jesse Joe Pelletier. In June, the couple announced that they have filed for divorce, but will continue to skate together. They are slated to skate in this year's 25th-anniversary Stars on Ice tour.
Jamie and David are 3-time Canadian champions, 2-time 4 Continents Champions, 2-time Grand Prix Final Champions, and the 2001 World Champions. They are best known for their "Love Story" freeskate, which they used in the 1999-2000 season, and revived for the 2002 Olympics, where they skated it to perfection. It remains an iconic Olympic performance.
The performance I've chosen to highlight is one that I was fortunate enough to see live during Stars on Ice in 2003. Jamie and David skated to "Come Away with Me" by Nora Jones. I remember being mesmerized. This program is soft, and sensual. Jamie and David are outstanding athletes, sparkling performers, and terrific role models for how athletes should handle themselves under fire. They've had a grand effect on pairs skating, and I'm delighted that they are once again touring with Stars on Ice this year so all their fans, such as myself, will have the opportunity to enjoy their superb skating in person!
Enjoy Jamie and David's "Come Away with Me":
Best thing yet...http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/sns-ent-whip-my-hair-skating,0,7616483.htmlstory